Instead of "The Rock Bottom"
Love and Justice of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael.
Hagar is one maid of Abraham who lived in the home of the Patriarch, as recorded in the Bible, in the Book of Genesis. 16: 1.
At that time poor people worked in a house or farm, in exchange for dwelling and food.
A certain time, when the old man already had eighty-seven years old, this Egyptian maid was forced by her employer, to "serve" as a woman to the old man, so that he could realize his dream of being a father (Gen.16:3)
In the mind of Abraham's wife that "would help" to God to fulfill the promise he had made to her husband, that he would be "Father of the Crowds" (Gênesis.16:2).
The idea from that old lady, shone for Hagar, as a shining light that would totally change the luck in relation to its future, which was so dead-end.
And now pregnant with a son of Abraham, he felt, quite rightly, the heiress of the many assets of the Patriarch.
(When Abraham was in Egypt, the King presented him with many goods, including male and female servants. Certainly, Hagar, was one of the gifts he received.)
"SHOOT THAT backfired"
The same Sarah, wife of the old patriarch, who had the "brilliant" idea of wanting to "help" God with his plan, he found himself totally frustrated, realizing that that which had been the servant of the house, now acted also as a Lady (Gen. 16:4).
Buy Sarah that the only solution to the problem, which she got, was to send the slave go away and go your way, was what he did. Because of this decision, she opened the door to the enmity that exists today between Jews and Arabs.
Fired the maid, although the young was at the beginning of their pregnancy (Gen. 16: 6.).
The HEIR EVER inherited
And there was Hagar, through the desert to the outside under a sun fifty degrees, taking in her womb, the most precious of the old Abraham, a son.
Feeling wronged and hurt the soul, followed toward what seemed to him, for sure, the "bottom".
The future, already established in her being uncertain, working as a slave in the house, now, was transformed at the very end before him, anticipated by its superb display cheerful and uncontrollable. All I could hope for was a sad death.
There was no one for her. To survive, had left family, relatives and friends behind. Egypt, his homeland, was far away. Although he got there would not know anyone else ...
At some point of the journey, after much walking, seeing that she could not walk in that desert, stopped, desolate. Was to be The End ...
At that moment, the Angel of the God of Abraham appeared and talked to her. (Gen. 16: 7.).
Greatly interested in Abraham's seed, which would begin with the birth of that child, Lord did not neglect of the His "chosen" Hagar.
The Angel talked to her, told him about her pregnancy and how it would be victorious and blessed this son of the Patriarch; and that the boy's name should be Ishmael meaning "GOD HEARD."
Also gave him instructions on what to do, from that moment, and convinced her to come back and to humble himself before his Lady ...
With the recovered confident, knowing now what a beautiful future for him the front, knowing God's will for your life poor, the young mother attended, with great hope, the way back ...
The Holy Bible, do not mind to give many details about the history of Ishmael, as it does when reports Life of Isaac, "the son of Promise," which came without the 'help' of Sara.
The twelve princes, the sons of Ishmael, are mentioned in Scripture that says that his descendants settled in the area stretching from Havilah to Shur (region of Egypt and Sinai Desert region), in the direction of who goes to Assyria (Iraq region ). Ge. 25: 12-18.
Josephus, the Jewish historian, states that Ishmael is the father of the Arab nation, as the Arabs believe.
Thereafter occurs reconciliation of servant with his Lady, the joy of old in live with her little boy, and the young mother of learning and surveillance not want to go in other directions and spoil their own devices (Gên.16: 15 -16).
Twelve years pass and the promise made by God to Abraham is fulfilled and Sarah is pregnant (Gên.21: 1-3).
Gives birth to her son Isaac, whose name means "laughter" and great is the joy of the family ...
Unfortunately, the boy Ishmael, now thirteen, think it's funny that scene, such an old woman breastfeeding a baby and laughs (Gen. 21: 9). Sarah herself fulfilling prophecy that said, "God has given me laughing matter; so that all that hear will laugh with me "(Gen. 21: 6.).
From the human point of view was "unfortunately".
But from the point of view of God is from this episode that the Great Blessing approaches them, when the elderly mother decides to send her to go away with her son, leave the house and move on.
That's what Sarah did. Repeated the discipline applied to thirteen years ago: He sent the maid ..
Again there was Hagar in the wilderness. Devastated and heartbroken, and now accompanied his little boy, felt the abandonment and contempt erode his alma.crendo that the boy's death was as certain as the end of his Hope ...
But when she stopped, exhausted and without more forces, had already walked a lot, and was well away from the terms of the properties of the rich father of the child that would bring to light.
The plan was that, out of the old terms, where he lived so long in servitude, and cross the border. Pass to the other side.
Then the Angel of the God of Abraham appeared and spoke to Hagar (Gen. 21: 15-16.).
As in Genesis. 16: 7, thirteen years before this moment, the angel of God called out from Heaven to Hagar (Gen. 21:17.):
"Fear not, for God has heard the boy crying from the place where it is. Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him by the hand, I will make him a great nation "(Gen. 21: 17-18.).
LIFE CHANGE is in verse 19.
You see, The God of Abraham, which leads you all the time, especially in the last thirteen years, after speaking with her, in her great distress, is the same that opens his eyes to see "The Pit," a source water there
The grief and human certainty that all was lost would not let him see the Blessing ahead.
Who had waters in those lands, beyond Abraham?
-From What use the land without water?
Our God would not give him a land without water.
Now, that source was her. Only her.
The Most High was planning that lucky for her all the time .
Not only land, but a land with a Source in a well.
He set her address there with all the conditions to live their lives, raise the child and see fulfilled prophecy:
"And it will be a mighty man, and his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him; and dwell on the face of all his brethren. "(Gen. 16:12)
"And God was with the boy, who grew up; dwelt in the wilderness of Paran, and was flecheiro.E his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt "(Genesis 21: 20-21.).
She never would have to live" in the homes of others again, suffering humiliation without certain future ahead,
We learn here that sometimes God to give us a blessing or fulfill a promise in our lives, He needs to get something out of us, or even take us somewhere ...
"Worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters" (Rev.14: 7)